Each Poster Problem has Six Phases:

Poster Problem Phase 1: Launch Icon

1. Launch

Teachers set the stage by leading an introductory discussion that orients students to the context of the problem.
Poster Problem Phase 1: Launch
Poster Problem Phase 2: Pose a Problem Icon

2. Pose a Problem

Teachers introduce a mathematical way of thinking about the context and engage students in a preliminary approach that opens the door to the workshop phase.
Poster Problem Phase 2: Pose a Problem
Poster Problem Phase 3: Workshop Icon

3. Workshop

The workshop starts with a more challenging and more open-ended extension of the problem. In teams, students plan and produce mathematical posters to communicate their work.
Poster Problem Phase 3: Workshop
Poster Problem Phase 4: Post, Share, Comment Icon

4. Post, Share, Comment

Teams display their posters in the classroom, get to know other teams’ posters, and attach questions/comments by way of small adhesive notes (or similar).
Poster Problem Phase 4: Post, Share, Comment
Poster Problem Phase 5: Strategic Teacher-Led Discussion Icon

5. Strategic Teacher-Led Discussion

Teachers then compare, contrast, and connect several posters. In the process they highlight a progression from a more basic approach to a more generalizable one.
Poster Problem Phase 5: Strategic Teacher-Led Discussion
Poster Problem Phase 6: Focus Problem Icon

6. Focus Problem: Same Concept in a New Context

Serving as a check for understanding, this more focused problem gives teachers evidence of student understanding.
Poster Problem Phase 6: Focus Problem
Norm Mattox
Listen to teacher Norm Mattox talk through the phases.
Phil Daro
In a series of videos, mathematics educator Phil Daro explains the rationale of this approach.
Alan Schoenfeld
A leading thinker in mathematics education, Professor Alan Schoenfeld weighs in on sense-making, teacher knowledge, and the Common Core. 
Project funding provided by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation.
Creative Commons License
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