We begin with a problem identified by a partner school district.
We recruit top-notch researchers with relevant expertise.
We use practice-informed design to generate scalable products.
We manage the partnership process so as to minimize attention to status, maximize the contribution of all parties, and stimulate productivity.
Problem Identification
We begin with a challenging, high-priority problem of practice nominated by the district partner.
Shared Problem Framing
Problem framing—determining the sources of the problem and the possibilities for addressing them—leads to an agreed-upon approach to intervention.
Iterative Design Process
Prototypes are generated, tested, and revised. Classroom observations, feedback from users, and input from researchers inform revisions.
Tools, Programs, Practices
When tools, programs, or practices emerge from the design process with promising evidence from piloting, they are then fully developed into resources that are ready for implementation.
When funding is available, SERP evaluates products on a larger scale using rigorous methodologies.
Products are made available to all, along with online resources and learning opportunities to support scaling. Results are published, contributing to new knowledge.