Developed to find specific reading strengths and weaknesses:
This ETS-developed assessment is composed of six subtests evaluating six key reading skills.
By the time students reach upper elementary school, they are expected to have mastered foundational reading skills. By fourth grade, students should be "reading to learn," not learning to read. But this is not the reality for many students who continue to struggle with the foundational reading skills well beyond the elementary grades. Capti Assess with ETS ReadBasix was developed to help identify these students and provide teachers with detailed information to target the specific areas in which students are struggling.
Since Capti Assess is a web-based reading assessment, no installation is required. It can be administered either in the classroom or remotely. The first five subtests each take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. The reading comprehension subtest takes 20–30 minutes. You can administer all six subtests at once or any of the subtests individually to target specific foundational skills.
The assessment also provides scaled scores and grade-level percentiles for each subtest. Score reports indicate student performance levels, making it easy to determine the skill areas in which a student may need extra instruction. Reports also include RTI tier assignment and activity suggestions.
O’Reilly, T., Sabatini, J., Bruce, K., Pillarisetti, S., & McCormick, C. (2012). Middle school reading assessment: Measuring what matters under an RTI framework. Reading Psychology Special Issue: Response to Intervention, 33 (1-2), 162-189.
Sabatini, J., Bruce, K., Steinberg, J. (2013). SARA Reading Components Tests, RISE Form: Test Design and Technical Adequacy (ETS RR-13-08). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Sabatini, J. P., O'Reilly, T., Halderman, L. K., & Bruce, K. (2014). Integrating scenario‐based and component reading skill measures to understand the reading behavior of struggling readers. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 29(1), 36-43.
Sabatini, J., Bruce, K., Steinberg, J., & Weeks, J. (2015). SARA reading components tests, RISE forms: Technical adequacy and test design. ETS Research Report Series, 2015(2), 1-20.
Sabatini, J., Weeks, J., O’ Reilly, T., Bruce, K., Steinberg, J., & Chao, S.-F. (2019). SARA Reading Components Tests, RISE forms: Technical adequacy and test design, 3rd edition (Research Report No. RR-19-36). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Wang, Z., Sabatini, J., O’Reilly, T., & Weeks, J. (2019). Decoding and reading comprehension: A test of the decoding threshold hypothesis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(3), 387-401.
Wang, Z., Sabatini, J., & O'Reilly, T. (2019). When slower is faster: Time spent decoding novel words predicts better decoding and faster growth. Scientific Studies of Reading
To request pricing or a demo of Capti Assess:
Contact Capti at, 1-888-533-7884 or visit the Capti Assess website.
Note: Until 2020, Capti Assess was known as the RISE (Reading Inventory and Scholastic Evaluation) assessment. The RISE assessment (now Capti Assess) was developed through a SERP collaboration with Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the Boston Public Schools. You may notice references to the RISE throughout the website. Capti Assess includes several enhancements. It has shifted platforms, expanded to additional grade levels, and includes improved administration and reporting features. However, the overall goals and format remain the same.
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