This assessment is different from many other reading assessments in that it tests various component skills that underlie reading and provides a detailed picture of the struggling reader. Each of the six subtests is briefly described below.
1. Word Recognition and Decoding
2. Vocabulary
3. Morphology
The ability to understand that many words – especially academic words – are made up of several meaningful parts, as in civilization: civil + ize + ation, and to use those parts to aid in word recognition, sentence comprehension, and learning the meaning of new words. Below grade-level performance could indicate poor vocabulary knowledge and/or a lack of understanding of how words are constructed.
4. Sentence Processing
5. Reading Efficiency
The ability to read text accurately and at an appropriate rate for comprehension. As adolescents move through school, the amount of reading they are expected to complete increases as does the variety of genres (textbooks, primary documents, biographies, plays, novels, etc.) they will encounter; rapid, accurate reading and stamina are important to comprehending and learning from longer, varied texts and hence to long-term academic success. Reading slower than 100 words per minute can present challenges to memory and stamina, which can negatively affect reading comprehension.
6. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension - the ability to understand text by building an accurate mental model - is the overall goal for our students. In this assessment, comprehension is measured by how students answer multiple choice questions interspersed into a passage. This is a non-fiction passage similar to the text one might encounter in content-area coursework. Some questions are literal and others are inferential. Literal questions have a direct link to something described in the text that answers the question, but inferential questions require students to infer connections between ideas in the text but not explicitly stated within it. Below grade level performance in reading comprehension typically indicates that the student is lacking in one or more foundational reading skills assessed by the preceding subtests or the student needs support in higher level thinking.
To request pricing or a demo of Capti Assess:
Contact Capti at, 1-888-533-7884 or visit the Capti Assess website.
Note: Until 2020, Capti Assess was known as the RISE (Reading Inventory and Scholastic Evaluation) assessment. The RISE assessment (now Capti Assess) was developed through a SERP collaboration with Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the Boston Public Schools. You may notice references to the RISE throughout the website. Capti Assess includes several enhancements. It has shifted platforms, expanded to additional grade levels, and includes improved administration and reporting features. However, the overall goals and format remain the same.
SERP Institute
1100 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 1310
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 223-8555
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 30-0231116