The assessment's reports provide a scaled score and a nationally-normed grade-level percentile for each skill. The reports suggest RTI Tier assignments with the percentiles color-coded to green, yellow, and red for Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Additional 1-to-3-dot icons help those teachers who have color blindness.
Reports can be used both for accountability and to help teachers identify an area of need. The reports can be used to inform an IEP and help personalize instruction for individual students. Teachers and administrators can print
the reports, export them to PDF, or a spreadsheet.
Capti Assess results may reveal gaps in students’ reading skills. To address those gaps, SERP and its partners developed a Tier II reading intervention—STARI—designed for students in grades 6-9 who are two to four years below grade level in reading.
STARI is a comprehension intervention that also addresses other foundational components of reading: decoding, morphosyntax, and fluency. STARI may be a good fit for students who score below grade level. If students score below grade level in either or both of the two comprehension-related subtests—Reading Efficiency and Reading Comprehension—they are good candidates for STARI even if they have stronger scores on other subtests.
To request pricing or a demo of Capti Assess:
Contact Capti at, 1-888-533-7884 or visit the Capti Assess website. 
Note: Until 2020, Capti Assess was known as the RISE (Reading Inventory and Scholastic Evaluation) assessment. The RISE assessment (now Capti Assess) was developed through a SERP collaboration with Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the Boston Public Schools. You may notice references to the RISE throughout the website. Capti Assess includes several enhancements. It has shifted platforms, expanded to additional grade levels, and includes improved administration and reporting features. However, the overall goals and format remain the same.
SERP Institute
1100 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 1310
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 223-8555
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 30-0231116