WordGen Elementary and English Learners

Also see: Resources to Support ELs in WordGen Elementary Classrooms
Word Generation was not originally developed as an English Language Development curriculum for English learners (ELs), but the program is replete with features that can enhance language and literacy development for ELs. The focus on academic language and discussion allows ELs to participate in a number of beneficial ways. For those who have recently immigrated to the U.S., discussions can provide an introduction to relevant topics that they may not have encountered previously. Teachers have reported that Word Generation activities can provide important footholds for English learners; however, additional scaffolds may be necessary for use with students just starting with English.

Effectiveness for English Learners

Even though Word Generation is designed to be used with all students and taught by general education teachers, a prior study shows that in classrooms with a significant percentage of EL students, ELs demonstrated larger gains, on average, than the non-EL students did.  
In general, EL students using WordGen Elementary showed gains equivalent to those of their non-EL classmates, but with academic language, ELs showed an even greater increase than non-EL students, as depicted in the graph on the right (effect size = .38, p<.01). This suggests that the program supported a complete catch-up in some domains. 
Data related to WordGen and English Learners

Academic Language

Additional Resources to Support English Learners in WordGen Elementary Classrooms

These resources are available in the WordGen Elementary Download Center:

Newsletters for Families: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese

One-page letters introducing families to the unit topic and vocabulary words, offered in four languages
The effectiveness of classroom teaching for all students, especially those in the elementary grades, can be promoted through family engagement. This is often difficult for families who speak limited English or for immigrants unfamiliar with the content standards of U.S. classrooms. SERP has developed unit specific notes to families, which include a key question or activity to promote conversations at home (in the home language) about the unit topic.
Download Samples:

Vocabulary Cards: English and Spanish

Vocabulary cards with visual images for each of the focus words, available in both English and Spanish 
Teachers requested Spanish vocab cards for use in dual language classrooms and classrooms with EL students. While these cards have only been translated into Spanish, the visual image with the English word can be helpful for all ELs.
Download Samples:

Unit Introductions for Students in Spanish 

One-page letters introducing Spanish-speaking students to the unit topic and vocabulary words
These introductory pages are similar to the newsletters for families but written for students to familiarize them with the topic of the unit, building knowledge about the topic in Spanish, as well.
Download Sample:
Supports for English Learners

Debate and Writing Prompts - Bilingual Slide Sets 

(English and Spanish) Slides displaying the debate and writing prompts in both English and Spanish
Download Sample:
Supports for English Learners

Captions for Action News

We have added captions for the Action News, which are in English, to help EL students follow the content more easily.
Screen Capture of WordGen Elementary News Reporter

Development of Word Generation was led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) and Suzanne Donovan (SERP). Major SERP contributors to program development include: Claire White, Alyse Krantz, Halley Wheeless, Matt Ellinger, David Dudley, and Patrick Hurley. Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland collaborated with SERP to develop Word Generation.

Support for Word Generation was provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Noyce Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Leon Lowenstein Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through grant numbers R305A090555 and R305F100026. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

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