WordGen Weekly
WordGen Elementary Logo


Professional Learning Series

A multi-session, interactive experience to prepare educators to implement WordGen

About the Online Professional Learning Series

This professional learning series provides opportunities for teachers and coaches to explore WordGen practices and skills. This series includes extended introductory sessions for WordGen Elementary and WordGen Weekly, as well as additional sessions that specifically focus on discussion, argumentation, academic language, and perspective-taking skills. The series can be used by individual teachers (self-paced) or by teacher teams. Sessions include videos, readings, hands-on activities, and more.


This series is designed to fit into professional development structures that are already in place. Therefore, the training is organized into sessions to be completed prior to the start of the school year (during time typically allocated for summer institutes or PD days) and over the course of the year during time allocated for teacher team meetings or individual lesson planning. 

We estimate that the WordGen Professional Learning Series will take approximately 15-20 hours, with about 7 hours intended for completion before implementation begins (Sessions 1-4) and the remainder spread across the school year (estimated 1-2 hours/month).

Professional Learning Series Thumbnail Image
Teacher Participating in Professional Learning

Course Content

The program orientation sessions provide background on why and how Word Generation was developed and what challenges it was designed to address. There are ongoing opportunities to reflect on the themes and theoretical underpinnings of the curriculum as teachers become familiar with program activities through the lens of a sample unit. Finally, planning considerations are raised, and helpful resources for launching Word Generation are provided.

Beyond the program orientation sessions, there are additional sessions that take a deeper dive into key WordGen skills and practices. These deeper learning sessions are designed to be used as modules throughout the year and can be revisited at any time. 

The sessions on discussion and norms focus on: 

  • introducing academically productive talk 
  • goals for productive discussions
  • establishing norms for productive discussions
  • using talk moves to support student discussion

The sessions on academic language focus on: 

  • what academic language is and is not 
  • how Word Generation builds academic language
  • why academic language is important
  • academic language use in the classroom using talk moves

The sessions on argumentation focus on: ï»¿

  • claims and evidence
  • strengthening arguments with warrants
  • counterarguments and rebuttals
  • developing students' written arguments
  • building students' argumentation skills using talk moves

The sessions on perspective taking focus on:

  • the components of perspective taking
  • identifying perspective-taking skills in writing and discussion 
  • building students' perspective-taking skills using talk moves

Completion certificates automatically generated upon completion of activities throughout the series. Mastery is not assessed.

Recommended Pacing Guide


Session 1 • 30 minutes

Setting the Context

Session 2a • 2 hours

Intro to WordGen Elementary

Session 2b • 2 hours

Intro to WordGen Weekly

Session 3 • 1.5 hours

Intro to Discussion and Norms

Session 4 • 1 hour

Using Talk Moves


Session 5 • 1 hour

Contributors to Comprehending Content-Area Texts

Session 6 • 1 hour

Argumentation Part I

Claims, Evidence, and Reasons


Session 7 • 1 hour

Argumentation Part II

Warrants, Counterarguments, and Rebuttals


Session 8 • 1 hour

Argumentation Part III

Written Arguments


Session 9 • 1 hour

Academic Language Part I

Forms of Academic Language


Session 10 • 1 hour

Academic Language Part II

Academic Vocabulary


Session 11 • 1 hour

Academic Language Part III

Supporting Academic Language Use


Session 12 • 1 hour

Perspective Taking Part I

The Role of Perspective Taking


Session 13 • 1 hour

Perspective Taking Part II

Identifying Perspective Taking


Session 14 • 1 hour

End-of-Year Debrief, Reflection, and Planning 

Download PDF of pacing guide.

Accessing the Professional Learning Series

Purchase Teacher License(s)

This license is for a self-paced version of the online series to complete independently or with a small group of colleagues. 

A single license to access the online materials is $375. Quantity discounts apply. See all prices.

License duration: 1 year

These costs do not include costs for printed WordGen curriculum materials, etc. The WordGen curriculum materials are downloadable online for free, or printed copies can be purchased from SERP’s print-on-demand service provider.

Development of Word Generation was led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) and Suzanne Donovan (SERP). Major SERP contributors to program development include: Claire White, Alyse Krantz, Halley Wheeless, Matt Ellinger, David Dudley, and Patrick Hurley. Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland collaborated with SERP develop Word Generation.

Support for Word Generation was provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Noyce Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Leon Lowenstein Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through grant numbers R305A090555 and R305F100026. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

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