WordGen Elementary
Action News Videos

What is Word Generation Action News?

Each unit's introductory newscast builds background knowledge and presents the focus words in the context of the unit's dilemma.

4th Grade

WordGen Elementary New Anchor
4th Grade Anchorwoman Paige Reider
(Claire White)

5th Grade

WordGen Elementary New Anchor
5th Grade Anchorwoman Sharon Wright
(Mundy Spears)

Development of Word Generation was led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) and Suzanne Donovan (SERP). Major SERP contributors to program development include: Claire White, Alyse Krantz, Halley Wheeless, Matt Ellinger, David Dudley, and Patrick Hurley. Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland collaborated with SERP to develop Word Generation.

Support for Word Generation was provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Noyce Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Leon Lowenstein Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through grant numbers R305A090555 and R305F100026. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

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