There are several newscasters, including Paige Reider (aka Claire White, WG's co-creator) and Justin Thyme. They introduce the topic covered in the unit through a video newscast.
Students read the interviews of two intrepid fourth grade reporters, Susana Flores and Arun Khanna, who interview experts on the unit’s topic.
Students discuss and/or debate the topic of the week with their classmates.
Different characters give their perspectives or positions on the topic of the week. Students read the script together and then discuss each character’s point of view.
Students read short informational texts connected to the topic of the week.
Students take a stand on the issue (their own or a character’s) and write a letter or persuasive essay about it.
Students focus on learning the definitions of the focus words found throughout the unit activities.
Students read and solve math or science problems that have focus words in them.
Students read about Hester, Grace, and Betsy – young women from American history. They learn about their lives through journals and see that communities long ago faced similar challenges as we do today.
Development of Word Generation was led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) and Suzanne Donovan (SERP). Major SERP contributors to program development include: Claire White, Alyse Krantz, Halley Wheeless, Matt Ellinger, David Dudley, and Patrick Hurley. Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland collaborated with SERP to develop Word Generation.
Support for Word Generation was provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Noyce Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Leon Lowenstein Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through grant numbers R305A090555 and R305F100026. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.
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