Getting Started

Quick Facts:

  • GeometryByExample is specially designed to target common misconceptions and errors in geometry through worked examples and prompts in which students are asked to explain a fictitious student’s work. 
  • GeometryByExample is made up of 100+ assignments, usually with two sets of problems in each assignment. 
  • Each problem set targets common math mistakes through a worked example (marked as either correct or incorrect) and a practice problem.
  • The assignments went through numerous rounds of revisions based on feedback from teachers, coaches, and math experts. 

Various Uses:

  • Warm-up / do now
  • Exit ticket
  • Homework
  • Tutoring
  • During centers
  • Formative assessment
  • Review before a unit test (or standardized testing)

Students can work on the assignments:

  • Independently
  • With partners
  • In groups


1. Familiarize yourself with the materials

  • Assignments are grouped by topic, but individual assignments can be used in any order that you find appropriate.
  • Teachers usually determine in advance how GeometryByExample assignments align with their district math curriculum.

2. Plan how to orient your students to the materials.

  • Your students may not immediately understand how to complete the exercises. Make sure they know that they will be looking at both correct and incorrect examples of work done by "other students" and will be answering questions about that work.

3. Consider how to allot time.

  • Assignments are generally designed to take approximately 15-20 minutes. But you may decide to use an assignment over two days or to use two assignments in one day. There may be weeks where none of the assignments align to what you're teaching and other weeks when many of the assignments will fit well. GeometryByExample is designed to fit flexibly into your classroom without changes in the central content you teach.

GeometryByExample provides a comprehensive list that includes:

  • Assignment title and number
  • Names of each fictional student
  • Indicator of whether the worked example is correct or incorrect
  • The target concept that the assignment supports
  • The common student error the assignment is designed to remedy

Development of GeometryByExample was led by Julie Booth (Temple University) through a SERP collaboration with teacher collaborators in schools in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, California, and New Jersey. The collaboration has been supported to conduct this work by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A190126 to Temple University. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

Creative Commons License
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