How the Assignments Work

These are not ordinary assignments in the way they look or the way they were developed. A SERP partnership team led by Dr. Julie Booth (Temple University) with teachers from six districts set out to create nearly 150 example-based assignments that can be integrated with high school geometry coursework.

GeometryByExample gives students practice solving problems, as well as practice modeling, analyzing, critiquing, and articulating mathematical arguments. Each assignment targets common math mistakes and concepts through worked examples that are marked as either correct or incorrect. Students then work a similar problem independently or with classmates.

Sample of assignment with an incorrectly worked example: 

Swipe down to reveal sample student response.

Sample of assignment with a correctly worked example: 

Swipe down to reveal sample student response.

Development of GeometryByExample was led by Julie Booth (Temple University) through a SERP collaboration with teacher collaborators in schools in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, California, and New Jersey. The collaboration has been supported to conduct this work by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A190126 to Temple University. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

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