AlgebraByExample's Format

AlgebraByExample gives students practice solving problems and practice modeling, analyzing, critiquing and articulating mathematical arguments. ï»¿

Each assignment contains several pairs of problems...

  1. First, a worked example with accompanying analysis question.
  2. Then a “Your Turn” item where students have a chance to practice on their own.

Slide LEFT to view what the student sees. Slide RIGHT to view a possible response as displayed in the teacher edition.

Sample of an "incorrect" example:

Sample of an "correct" example:

Teachers use the assignments in a variety of ways.


Exit Ticket

Formative Assessment





Summer Packet

Prompts for Discussion


In pairs/groups

Development of AlgebraByExample was led by Julie Booth (Temple University) through a SERP collaboration with the Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN). The SERP-MSAN partnership has been supported to conduct this work by The Goldman Sachs Foundation and by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A100150 to Strategic Education Research Partnership Institute. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

Creative Commons License
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