AlgebraByExample Team

Principal Investigators
Julie Booth (Temple University), Research and Development Lead
Suzanne Donovan

Andrew Elliot (University of Rochester)
Kenneth Koedinger (Carnegie Mellon University)
Juliana Paré-Blagoev, Project Director

Doctoral Students
Adam Augustine (University of Rochester)
Karin Lange (Temple University)
Kelly McGinn (Temple University)
Melissa Oyer (Temple University)

Program/Research Support
Francie Eyer
Allie Huyghe
Simon Saltzman

Graphic Design/Media
David Dudley
Matt Ellinger
George Gumulinski

Hyman Bass (University of Michigan)
Geoffrey Borman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jackie Eccles (University of Michigan)

Special thanks to the teachers, administrators, and students who were essential to the project, but who cannot be named for confidentiality reasons. 
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