Get STARI Materials

Did you know that you can bundle purchases of STARI curriculum materials, literature, and professional development?

Curriculum Materials

STARI materials can be downloaded and printed by a teacher or district administrator for their own purposes. However, SERP owns the copyright to STARI materials, and they cannot be printed and sold by anyone else. If you are interested in purchasing preprinted STARI materials, SERP and its printing partner, Goetz Printing, are the sole source providers.


Student Workbooks

Engaging activities build higher-level comprehension skills and emphasize collaborative partner work sample

Leveled Fluency Passages

Sets of passages at four levels of difficulty with topics linked to unit themes • Sample: Level A B C D

Do Nows and Exit Tickets

Brief activities to begin and end lessons • sample

Teacher Lesson Plans

Detailed guides to each lesson’s activities • sample

Assessment Guides

Guides to measure student progress • sample


For use during instruction • sample

Download STARI Curriculum Materials (PDFs of student workbooks, lesson plans, etc. that you print yourself)

Purchase Printed Curriculum Materials (to be delivered to you already printed and bound/binder ready)

Literature Used with STARI

Novels, anthologies, and other supplies needed for STARI are available through many major booksellers or through publishing companies. You may order STARI Literature through your preferred vendor, or consider ordering through SERP or the STARI Amazon Store. Suggested quantities are one per student unless otherwise noted.

Purchase Literature Titles from SERP
(to be delivered to you by partner book distributor)

Browse or Purchase Literature Titles (to be delivered to you)

Professional Learning Series

Sessions include videos, readings, hands-on activities, and much more

STARI Bundle Orders

Combine purchases of STARI curriculum materials, literature, and professional learning series.

STARI Bundle (Series 1, 2, 3, and 4)

Please note: Unit 4.3 is still under development and is not available to order at this time. 

Instructional Coach Brittany Morrow-Green describes how the various materials are used when teaching STARI.

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