Tips for Printing Materials Yourself

Student items:

Assemble student workbook in 2” 3-ring binder with clear slip for cover.

  • Student workbook cover
  • Student workbook (printed black & white, double-sided, and 3-hole-punched)
  • Fluency passages. Each student receives level A, B, C, or D based on their current reading level.
  • Recommendation: color code fluency levels on colored paper (i.e., fluency level A-yellow, B-green, C-blue, D-orange)
  • Starting out, we recommend printing approximately 25% level A, 35% level B, 25% level C, and 15% level D, plus a few extra of each level for each class.
  • Leveled fluency passage will be added once fluency level is determined. (In the first few days of Unit 1, a practice fluency passage is used and teachers are provided guidance in how to place students.)
  • Note: Students can use the same binder for the subsequent units.

Print Do-Nows/Exit Tickets (optional)

  • Collated & 3-hole-punched, if you want to add them to student binders
  • Uncollated, if you want to distribute them to students for each lesson

Teacher materials:

Assemble teacher lesson plans in 2” 3-ring binder with clear slip for cover.

  • Teacher lesson plans (printed black & white, double-sided, and 3-hole-punched)

Print assessment guide (optional)

  • Make student copies of student pages within assessment guide you would like to use. 

Additional resources for each unit

  • Digital files such as slides, audio files, photo activity pages, and additional resources can be accessed through the download center.
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