STARI Is Reorganized, Updated, and Expanded.

August 14, 2020

SERP’s Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI) curriculum is now organized into three series, with Series 1 intended for 6th grade, Series 2 for 7th, and Series 3 for 8th and 9th.

All three series address similar reading needs, but the Series 2 and 3 topics and reading materials are increasingly sophisticated.

Each updated series now includes three units, with each unit’s lesson plans written for approximately 40 instructional days.

New versions of Unit 1.1, Unit 1.2, Unit 2.1, and Unit 3.1 are ready now. More new versions coming very soon.

Bearing Witness (Unit 2.1) recently added!

In this unit, students consider the meaning of justice, the importance of bearing witness to acts of injustice, and whether bearing witness can be a form of justice. They read the accessible but sophisticated novel Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes, as well as the compelling nonfiction text The Murder of Emmett Till by Henrietta Toth. 

In all the STARI units, students work with partners to develop reading fluency and skills, expand vocabulary, write about literature, and engage in meaningful discussions and debates about what they read and connections to issues facing us today. 

How to get materials: 

STARI curriculum materials consist of Student Workbooks, Fluency Passages, Teacher Lesson Plans, Presentation Slides, Do Nows and Exit Tickets, and Assessment Guides. All materials are free to download. You may also order pre-printed materials through SERP’s partner Goetz Printing

The literature that connects to STARI materials is widely available. It can be purchased through SERP’s Amazon STARI Materials page or through whatever process is most convenient for your educational institution.

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