English and Spanish Prompts

Using Word Generation with English Learners

Additional resources and tips for teaching English learners have been updated for the new Word Generation website. 

Word Generation was not originally developed as an English Language Development curriculum for English learners (ELs), but the program is replete with features that can enhance language and literacy development for ELs. The focus on academic language and discussion allows ELs to participate in a number of beneficial ways. For those who have recently immigrated to the U.S., discussions can provide an introduction to relevant topics that they may not have encountered previously. Teachers have reported that Word Generation activities can provide important footholds for English learners; however, additional scaffolds may be necessary for use with students just starting with English.

Check out some additional resources and tips from teachers:



Tips for Supporting English Learners in WordGen Classrooms

General Tips for Maximizing Access and Participation in WordGen Classrooms

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