MathByExample Web App Quick Links
The MathByExample web application provides teachers with an easy digital option to engage students with the MathByExample assignments. Both teachers and students can access the assignments virtually, and they can be easily accessed outside of the classroom, allowing teachers flexibility with assigning homework and meeting students’ individual needs.
From setting up classrooms to assigning and reviewing student work, teachers have control over which assignments they want to assign to their students and when. They can monitor completion and responses on each assignment, review the assignments, and provide scores and feedback that students can then view in their student dashboards.
Individual teacher and student logins
Allows teachers to score and provide students feedback on items and assignments
Allows students to complete assignments from home
Autosaves work
Not compatible with single sign-on services at this time
Does not autograde
Does not summarize scores/feedback
How is this different from the paper and pencil version?
The content of the assignments is the same for the digital and printable or workbook versions. The only difference is how they are made available to teachers and students.
What value does this add beyond the paper and pencil version?
This allows students to complete their assignments from a digital device in the classroom or from home. It also allows the teacher to easily view students’ completed work in a faster and more efficient way. In addition, teachers can create their own ByExample assignments to assign to students in the platform. Plus, it avoids unraveling or lost workbooks, and it’s good for the environment!
Additional information about the MathByExample program:
Development of MathByExample was led by Julie Booth (Temple University) through a SERP collaboration with several school districts. Major contributors to program development include: Kelly McGinn and Laura Young (Temple University), Allie Huyghe, Matthew Ellinger, Emily Schwartz, Avery Jones, and David Dudley (SERP). Special thanks! to the teachers, administrators, and students in our partner districts—Baltimore City Schools, Public Schools of Beloit, Public Schools of Brookline, Fort Madison Community School District, Oak Park Elementary District 97, and Penns Valley Area School District—who were essential to the project’s success, providing feedback at critical points and inviting us into their classrooms along the way!
The collaboration has been supported to conduct this work by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A150456 to Strategic Education Research Partnership Institute. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.
SERP Institute
1100 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 1310
Washington, DC 20036
SERP Studio
2744 East 11th Street
Oakland, CA 94601
(202) 223-8555
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 30-0231116