SERP Institute

Bridging Research, Practice, and Design in Education

The Strategic Education Research Partnership generates innovative, scalable solutions to our schools‘ most pressing problems through sustained collaborations among researchers, practitioners, and designers. We work to increase equity, improve student learning, and give teachers and students greater agency.

Recent additions:


This media-rich resource is for teacher educators and teachers who are interested in infusing academically productive talk into instruction.

Go to apt! Website

Improving Teaching and Learning System-wide

Suzanne Donovan, Paul Cobb, and Kara Jackson present ten essential actions essential to system-wide improvement in teaching and learning.

Go to Ten Essential Actions Website

WORLD Generation

SERP's Social Studies Generation (SoGen) series has been adapted by the Center for the Success of English Learners (CSEL). Four WORLD Generation units are now free for the public to download. More are currently in development.

Examine WORLD Generation and SERP SoGen

Some of the SERP Resources Created by Researchers, Practitioners, and Designers:


bring scientific knowledge that is critical to understanding complex problems and expertise in research methods for investigations and testing.


bring instructional expertise and insight into the dynamics of classrooms, schools, and districts, and recognize internal and external barriers to change.


bring processes for understanding and responding to users, a capacity for materials production, and expertise in technology design and use.

Principles guide SERP collaborations.

are determined by leaders in SERP's partner districts.
Research & Development
is rigorous and responsive to the constraints of practice.
are designed for scale and shared openly.
teachers and administrators have helped with SERP research and design work.

school districts have opened their doors to SERP projects for collaborative problem-solving.
SERP tools are now available as free educator resources, and the collection is growing quickly!
major research institutions have worked with SERP to tackle education's most pressing problems.
major research studies have been completed by SERP-recruited teams, leading to dozens of publications and tools.
teachers are registered users of SERP products. Visitors to product websites now exceed one million.

Watch how the use of SERP materials has expanded throughout the nation over the last five years.

Our Funders

Abell Foundation
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Goldman Sachs Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Haan Foundation for Children
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Dept of Education
Intel Foundation
Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
John S. and Catherine L. Reed Foundation
Koshland Foundation
Leon Lowenstein Foundation
National Academy of Sciences
National Science Foundation
Office of Innovation and Improvement, U.S. Dept of Education
Robert Noyce Foundation
S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
Simons Foundation
Spencer Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
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