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World Generation

Supporting the Success of English Learners in Social Studies

Four units from the SERP 6th grade Social Studies Generation (SoGen) series have been adapted by Sharon Vaughn and her colleagues as part of the work of the Center for the Success of English Learners (CSEL). A rigorous study of the impact of using three or four of these 2-week units in general social studies classrooms indicate improvement in students’ content acquisition and vocabulary across a range of English proficiency levels.

“Furthermore, teachers perceived the WorldGen instructional practices and materials as providing the information and learning experiences necessary to support students in meeting grade-level expectations.”

(footnote: Martinez, L.R., Fishstrom, S., Vaughn, S., Capin, P., Andress, T., Francis, D. Supporting Knowledge and Language Acquisition of Secondary Emergent Bilinguals through Social Studies Instruction). First published 19 May, 2024.)

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Student  Booklets, Teacher Editions, and Slides available as FREE PDF downloads.

Unit 1

The Egyptian Pharaohs: Wise Investors or Wasteful Spenders?

download student booklet (sample - no login req'd)

Unit 2

Was is Better to be an Athenian or a Spartan?

Unit 3

Ancient Roman Government: Whose Voice Counts?

Unit 4

Pompeii: An Irresponsible Decision or an Unexpected Disaster?

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