When it Gets Tricky
If you can interpret the numbers in the ratio as parts or wholes, you have to be careful about part:part and part:whole relationships.
Suppose we’re making chocolate milk and use a 6:1 ratio of milk to chocolate syrup. (That’s more intense than most chocolate milk.) What fraction do we use to express that ratio?
It depends what question we’re asking, and what we’re doing.
If we want to know how much syrup to add to a quart (four cups) of milk, we should use ⅙. We’ll take ⅙ × 4, and get ⅔ of a cup of syrup. (This is part:part.)
But if we want to know how much syrup there is in a cup of chocolate milk, we use ⅐. This is because when we add syrup to milk, the total amount of mixture increases. In this part:whole relationship, the “whole” gets bigger.
In another example, suppose the ratio of boys to girls at a concert is 2:3.
What fraction of the audience is boys? ⅖. Not ⅔. But suppose we knew there were 900 girls, and wanted to know how many boys were attending? Now we use ⅔, and calculate ⅔ × 900, or 600 boys.
A good exercise for yourself is to figure out a question that would use a fraction made of any possible combination of the three numbers (in this case, 2, 3, and 5). For example, what question would use 5/3? (720 girls attended the next concert. How many people attended altogether?)