Is guided reading aligned with the science of reading?

STARI uses the guided/communal reading structure to engage students in robust discussion of text, in order to build students’ verbal reasoning skills, their background knowledge, their vocabulary knowledge, their literacy knowledge, and their knowledge of language structures - all critical components of language comprehension, supported by the science of reading. 

STARI guided/communal reading uses the text introduction structure laid out in the guided reading model created by Fountas and Pinnell. In a text introduction, teachers supports students’ comprehension of the text by interactively:

  • Reviewing previously read text
  • Previewing vocabulary that students will encounter in today’s reading
  • Setting a purpose for reading

However, in many ways, STARI guided/communal reading is very different from the traditional, elementary school guided reading popularized by Fountas and Pinnell:

In STARI guided/communal reading…

  • All students read the same age-appropriate, complex text
  • Students discuss the text as a whole class

In traditional elementary school guided reading….

  • Students read different texts based on their guided reading level
  • Students read and discuss text in small homogeneous groups
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