STARI Curriculum FAQs

There are four series. Does that mean it spans four years?

Students may work with the curriculum for one or more years. While many students benefit from one year of STARI, others may benefit from additional years of the curriculum. Teachers may determine if a student needs an additional year of STARI based on the student’s progress by the end of the year.

Each series addresses similar skills. The content and novels in each series become increasingly sophisticated. Review the STARI Series FAQ for more information.

Is STARI aligned with the science of reading?

Yes, STARI addresses both the word recognition and the language comprehension strands of the science of reading. Review STARI’s alignment to the science of reading for more information. 

Is STARI aligned with grade level standards?

Yes, STARI units address grade level skills and standards, while simultaneously shoring up students' foundational skills. Standards are listed on each lesson plan. 

How much does STARI cost?

The cost for implementing STARI is variable, depending on how you plan to provide the materials for teachers and students.

STARI Curriculum Materials (Workbooks, Lesson Plans, etc): STARI curriculum materials are FREE and can be downloaded and distributed for non-commercial use. If you or your school district prefer, you may also order pre-printed materials from a print-on-demand company. Assuming 14 students per class and three units each year, ordering pre-printed materials costs approximately $800/class/year. This is a yearly cost, but you may be able to reuse some materials each year (Lesson Plans, extra copies of workbooks, etc). 

STARI Literature (novels, nonfiction texts, etc): Some schools may have these books already or they may be accessible through online book libraries. Otherwise, these books can be purchased from many local and online book sellers. For convenience, SERP has partnered with a book distributor to enable ordering from one place, since some books may go out-of-stock quickly. The cost for books is variable based on series and volume discounts. If purchasing a full set of new books, estimates range from $900-$1,600 per class set for each series. Books can be reused year to year and shared between classes using the same series/grade level of materials, but you should expect to purchase some books each year in order to replace lost or damaged books. 

Additional STARI supplies: STARI requires the use of timers and sticky notes on a regular basis. STARI also calls for standard classroom supplies on rare occasions, such as tape and scissors. 

Professional Development: SERP offers online professional development opportunities. Licenses cost $375/person (discounted rates available for groups). 

You may generate a quote for STARI curriculum materials, literature and professional learning by submitting a STARI Bundle Order request here:

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