Keep 4th and 5th Grade Students Engaged in Distance Learning

May 28, 2020

"Get out of the pond, immediately! The pond is closed because bacteria levels are too high."

Getting students to engage with school work while at home can be a challenge. So it’s more important than ever to provide materials that are interesting enough to command their attention. WordGen Elementary is designed to do just that! Plus, it supports the development of academic vocabulary, close reading, reading comprehension, perspective-taking, critical thinking, and writing.

All WordGen Elementary units are free to teachers and families.

Whether you’re planning for the fall or looking for lively literacy activities to finish up this school year, check out Unit 4.07. This unit is on a topic that is especially relevant today!

Unit 4.07: Who gets to decide what's safe?

Vocabulary cards, newsletters for families, and other resources for WordGen Elementary are available online at the WordGen Elementary website.

We need your feedback.

In response to requests from teachers, we are considering making more of our materials available in this convenient editable Google Doc format, but we need to hear from you to determine if there is enough demand. If you would, please email us at to let us know what you think about the Google Doc format for the student pages.

Thanks to all the teachers and administrators who are charting a new course for students in these unprecedented times!

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