Interested in bringing STARI to your school for free?

April 3, 2024


Your school is invited to participate in a study of the Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI), a program loved by both teachers and students. All participating schools will receive the intervention either immediately (2025-26 school year), or after a two-year delay (2027-28).

Participating schools will receive all STARI materials and professional learning opportunities and resources. Schools will also have access to the ETS ReadBasix assessment, free of charge during assigned implementation years. 

Interested in participating?

Fill out this form and someone from the STARI team will be in touch with you. 

Flip through slides to find out more.

Why should my school(s) participate in this study?

  • All STARI curriculum materials, professional learning and access to the ReadBasix assessment will be provided free of charge.
  • Schools will receive a generous stipend in spring 2026 and spring 2027.
  • Teachers will be compensated for completing professional learning.
  • SERP will directly support adoption and implementation, helping you figure out how to make STARI work in your setting.
  • You will make a contribution to education research, helping us to learn under what conditions STARI is most effective. 

You can also view a webinar with more detail about STARI, and about this research project:

More Details
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