Free educational materials for teachers and families

March 18, 2020

Dear SERP Community, 

While schools across the country have been forced to close their doors, teachers and families have been tasked with creating new ways to educate and support students. If SERP resources can be of help during this difficult period, please remember that they are available as free downloads to all—teachers, families, and anyone else who is interested. We have highlighted a few below that we think may be particularly suitable for online platforms and for families working together at home. 

Please pass this message along to families in your community as well as any others you think might find the resources helpful. You may share any of these resources with students and families by email, LMS, etc. as well. 

Thank you for all you do to support our next generation every day, especially during this challenging time. 

The SERP Team


AlgebraByExample (usually Grades 8 or 9)

9 algebra topics, 42 individual assignments

Students analyze and explain correctly and incorrectly worked examples targeting common errors in algebra and then work on similar problems on their own. 

More information | Sign up for free downloads

MathByExample (Grades 4 & 5)

13 math topics, 125+ individual assignments

Students analyze and explain correctly and incorrectly worked examples targeting common errors in math and then work on similar problems on their own. 

More information | Sign up for free downloads

Poster Problems (Grades 6 & 7)

6 sixth grade problems, 6 seventh grade problems

These are more complex, open-ended problems that encourage creating and comparing multiple representations. 

More information | Sign up for free downloads


Science Generation (Grades 6-8)

18 five part units plus a large bank of additional activities within a digital dashboard

SciGen covers a variety of science topics, including cells, energy, environment, matter, and more. The “dashboard” is full of interactive media.

More information | Sign up for free downloads and access to the dashboard


Social Studies Generation (Grades 6-8)

18 five part units

Asking students to consider multiple points of view, these units include topics such as ancient civilizations, the experiences of two children of Sudan, and complex questions related to American democracy.

More information | Sign up for free downloads


WordGen Weekly (Grades 6-8)

72 five-part units available

Uses a societal dilemma to frame brief activities to promote academic language development, argumentation, perspective-taking, and discussion.

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WordGen Elementary (Grades 4 & 5)

24 ten-part units available

Develops academic language, argumentation, and perspective-taking skills through activities, reading, writing, discussion, and more. Each unit focuses on a discussable question and even includes a video newscast and a script for a reader’s theater!

More information | Sign up for free downloads


Focus 5 (all grades)

A selection of deep breathing activities for calming and centering. Includes downloadable cards and audio recording of students leading the activities.

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