Let It Go

Sit up tall in your chair (or stand) with your feet flat on the floor. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes to tune out distractions...
Take a deep breath in, letting go of any tension as you breathe out...
Slowly relax your neck...and your shoulders...
Now relax your arms...and your hands...
Let go of any tension you may be feeling in any part of your body.
Breathe in slowly, inhaling deeply through your nose and filling your lungs with air...
Now slowly exhale through your nose...
Allow each breath to become slower and deeper than the one before.
Take a deep breath in and completely fill your lungs with air... When they feel full, see if you can draw in just a little more air...
Now tuck your chin into your chest and hold your breath for a count of 4: 1...2...3...4...
Slowly exhale, lifting your chin back to its normal position.
Begin again, inhaling deeply...
Tuck your chin and hold your breath: 1...2...3...4...
Exhale out and slowly lift your chin.
Let’s do this (5-10) more times...
When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.
Read by Jea:
Read by Jon:
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