Sit up tall in your chair with your feet flat on the floor. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes to tune out distractions...
Slowly inhale through your nose...then exhale out your nose... Breathe calmly like this for (5-10) breaths.
Now, start to think of a time when someone did something for you out of the kindness of their heart, just to help you out. Take a moment to really picture this person in your mind.
Try to remember and recreate this moment fully in your mind. What was going on? What did they do?
How did this make you feel?
Allow yourself to notice any thoughts or emotions that start to come up. Just sit with these for a moment.
Now think about a time when you did something helpful or kind for someone else...
Imagine the person...
Vividly remember what it felt like to help this person, recreating this moment in your mind...
Notice how your body feels...
Notice your thoughts and your emotions.
Continue to imagine this situation in your mind. All the while, breathe calmly in and out through your nose...