New Remote Learning Resources for WordGen Weekly and WordGen Elementary

September 3, 2020

For teachers and students who are looking for device-friendly materials to use for remote learning, the SERP WordGen team has added new options.

For WordGen Weekly (middle school):

  • We added an open website ( with no registration necessary so teachers can point students directly to assignments.
  • We created “mini-websites” for each WordGen Weekly unit so teachers can share links to specific units, or even to pages within units, directly with students. Teachers can also add links easily into their learning management systems.
  • We created editable Google Doc versions of the student materials. The link to the Google Doc for each unit is in the footer of each unit’s mini-website.
  • We have provided guidance about how to adapt each component for remote learning environments, including suggestions about what can be done synchronously vs. asynchronously.

These special versions of free WordGen Weekly student materials are ready now for all of Series 1. Select units from Series 2 and 3 have been posted as well, and more will be prepared in the coming months. Follow us on Twitter to be among the first to know when the new units are available.

For WordGen Elementary (4th and 5th grades):

These special versions of free WordGen Elementary student materials are ready now for the first several units for each grade. Additional units will be added in the coming weeks. Follow us on Twitter to be among the first to know when the new units are available.

A Final Note:

Since debate, discussion, and partner work are core components of Word Generation, we believe that it is ultimately best for the program to be used in a classroom. But we hope that these modifications will be helpful to the many teachers working heroically to meet today’s challenges.


In case you missed our previous message, STARI also has new adaptations available for remote learning environments. Learn more.

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