ByExample: A Different Approach to Math Learning

October 27, 2022

Grades 4 and 5

125+ assignments available!

Fractions • Decimals • Place Value • Multi-Digit Numbers • Measurement • Geometry • Volume • Ordered Pairs • and more!

Algebra I

40+ assignments available!

Pre-algebra • Inequalities • Linear Equations • Systems of Equations • Polynomials and Factoring • Quadratic Formula • and more!

­­MathByExample and AlgebraByExample are collections of strategically-designed problem sets developed to help students dislodge misconceptions–both small errors and fundamental misunderstandings.

­But instead of providing only problems for students to solve, ByExample assignments incorporate correct and incorrect “worked examples” for students to analyze and explain. After each worked example, students are given a similar problem to solve themselves. 

The format:

(sample from AlgebraByExample)

Students analyze a worked example that has been marked as correct ✓ or incorrect ✗.

Questions on the right direct students’ attention to key mathematical steps or ideas.

And finally, students solve a similar problem on their own: 

These innovative and effective materials do much more than just give students practice—they force students to think critically about mathematics concepts and procedures and confront common mistakes. They also provide easy opportunities for math teachers to launch mathematically-rich discussion in their classrooms and promote mathematics mistakes as a vehicle for learning! 

Visit MathByExample Website and Download Free Assignments

Visit AlgebraByExample Website and Download Free Assignments

Order Workbooks through Goetz, SERP’s Printing Partner

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