Frederic A. (Fritz) Mosher

Frederic A. (Fritz) Mosher is a cognitive/social psychologist. For 36 years he was a program officer with varying responsibilities at Carnegie Corporation of New York. After retiring from Carnegie in 1998 he worked as a consultant/advisor for Achieve, Inc., for the Assistant Secretary for Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education, for The RAND Corporation, the Spencer Foundation, and for another 20 years or so as a Senior Research consultant/specialist with the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) at Penn and Teachers College, Columbia University. At TC, with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Tom Corcoran and he developed a CPRE sub-center concerned with identifying ways of promoting continuing instructional improvement in U.S. schools (CCII). Given a somewhat limited attention span he has worked on a number of issues and problems, including “avoiding nuclear war” and school improvement. Until recently he would have said that the former was easier than the latter, but lately he’s not so sure.

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